Friday, 20 January 2017

Actors - UPDATED

In our film opening, we have five characters. Our protagonist is a male character, as is our antagonist, and a female character features at the end of our opening. At the beginning of the opening are our two remaining characters.
The male protagonist will be played by Laurie Taylor, a 20 year old. He suits the role of our protagonist because he is both tall and male, as well as old enough to fit the age of our character and make it evident he does have a past. He is capable of exhibiting the emotions involved within the character.

Our female character, although not featuring a lot in our opening, was important when considering physical aspects such as height. We decided on Caitlin Mapes, a college student who was formerly a drama student, and has had experience with playing other female flirtatious characters such as Audrey in a Little Shop of Horrors stage production.

Our antagonist is played by Tom Keeble, who we decided suited this role because of his height and build, which allowed him to look threatening.

The two characters at the beginning of the Thriller, played by myself (Lucy Hiscox) and Isabel Hurren - who passes information about the protagonist to my antagonistic character, essential for when the protagonist is inevitably kidnapped. We have chosen to take these roles ourselves as we feel we could do it efficiently, as we have suitable builds for these roles, and knew we could use costume to make ourselves appear mysterious and in a position of power.

1 comment:

  1. It's a good idea to use people who have experience of acting... also well done for using older actors rather than just other students from our class.
